„Innovations are an alliance with the future.”
Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger
The headquarter of the FIZ-MTS GmbH is located on the grounds of the „Alter Dorfkrug Staffelde”. Staffelde is a village in the federal state Brandenburg.
The “Alter Dorfkrug Staffelde” is a historical ensemble of buildings which were built in 1701 and recently restored with a keen eye for detail. During the renovation, some buildings were erected anew on the old foundations, such as the barn or the gatehouse. Today the historical important buildings contain office spaces as well as conference rooms of the FIZ-MTS GmbH.

Research and Innovation Centre
The FIZ-MTS GmbH is an independent research and technical institute. Beyond conducting studies and model projects in applied science, it also develops and offers measures and professional training with a special focus on current trends in traffic research, which result from the interaction between human, technology and road traffic. Furthermore, the field of work encompasses the scientific monitoring, assessment and evaluation of measures especially in the novice driving education system as well as counselling leading sponsoring institutions in the road traffic and education sector.
The significance of the afore-mentioned research domains is not only a result of the increased risk of novice drivers compared to experienced drivers, but is also due to current trends in the field of road traffic engineering such as automated driving. With the rapid development of new technologies in the field of road traffic engineering, the requirements for all participants of motorised road traffic, driver training system and driving test system change constantly. The close collaboration with protagonists of road safety and traffic institutions and politics as well as the consideration of potential users at an early stage in the development of solutions is a key role in the success of the FIZ-MTS GmbH.
Please find further information in the section „Fields of Work“.

„Alter Dorfkrug Staffelde” Location
The „Alter Dorfkrug Staffelde” was the first horse-changing station of the royal Prussian post on its way from Berlin to Hamburg. In the past the building ensemble also served as a rest stop for travellers and their horses. Even today guests can book carriage rides to touristic attractions and locations in the proximate vicinity. For this purpose five magnificent Frisians and various carriages (e.g. postal carriage, postal charabanc or wedding carriage) are available. Furthermore you can book the premises of the „Alter Dorfkrug Staffelde” with the beautiful four-sided courtyard and its art nouveau ballroom and its adjoining meadow for private events or celebrations such as weddings, birthdays or company parties.
Please find further information at the webpage of the “Alter Dorfkrug Staffelde”.
Postal Carriage Station Staffelde
In 2016 the project „Postkutschenhof Staffelde – Scheunensanierung und Erwerb eines Postkremsers“ („Postal Carriage Station Staffelde – Renovation of the Barn and Purchase of a Postal Charabanc”) was launched in order to broaden the range of carriage rides of the FIZ-MTS GmbH and to increase the accommodation capacities for horses and carriages. Within this project, in immediate proximity of the „Alter Dorfkrug Staffelde”, an old barn is in the process of renovation and will be equipped with modern horse stables. For this purpose the FIZ-MTS GmbH receives public funding from the rural development programme of the federal states Berlin and Brandenburg in the funding period from 2014 to 2020. The financial support consists of both funding from the ELER and funding by the federal states.
Please find further information about the ELER-funding at: